With the arrival of free SSL certificates from Lets Encrypt, together with a kind offer from Fastly CDN(locations) to help distribute Webconverger since we are an opensource project, we are now serving our ISO over SSL from https://dl.webconverger.com/latest.iso. If there is a download problem, please get in touch & try this backup.
So serving over SSL greatly reduces the chance of some malicious actor
intercepting your connection to our server and giving you a corrupt version of
our ISO. That's never happened to our knowledge, though why not make it even
less likely going into the future?! The sha256sum
a3d71fbd55d4eac2f65ceeefff557f57ab3b76e41ecd25d00c69b65c0d522667 webc-34.0.iso
2d7a9d6f2a4ec3cc48926f2362d86485e1080169e4940ad187be4b9b5bccf57a webc-34.0.txt
Updates include:
- Firefox 44
- Ongoing security updates including the recent CVE-2015-7547 which we patched quickly thanks to the fantastic work of the Debian security team.
- Added Cambodian (Khmer) fonts via Google's fonts-noto package
- https://github.com/webconverger/webc/compare/33.1...34.0 for details
Please follow @webconverger on twitter for the very latest news.
Future plans
- We hope to move to systemd-networkd for the next release. This should shave seconds off boot times.
- We have someone new taking maintainership of the Rpi2 version, so expect some updates in the near future
- Keep absolutely rock solid & security patched for your business processes to run smoothly on the open Web!
- Please support our ongoing work by purchasing a subscription