After surviving the boxing day Earthquake and Tsunamimyself, I'm acutely aware of how important information is during a disaster. Since the Web is the information platform and Webconverger is the quickest and safest way to get onto the Web platform, I really love to see Webconverger used in these sorts of situations to everyone's benefit.
Hence I was very proud to receive this testimonial from a Church in New York:
We have been using Webconverger to offer free internet access to parishioners and visitors to our church for quite a few years, but it really came into it's own when Hurricane Sandy hit New York in 2012! Our stone church building was one of the only ones in the area to retain power and internet access, so it was truly a Godsend to be able to offer hot soup and the chance to securely check email and the news to those who weren't so lucky. We rolled out extra kiosks using donated cpus and monitors in no time at all, and they each had queues to use them almost around the clock. Afterwards we went back down to our usual, single, permanent kiosk, but we keep a few old, donated computers in a cupboard (each with a Webconverger disc) ready for the next time!
We also sponsor Crossroads:
Thank you for supplying so many Webconverger configurations to us. Webconverger has been a technology that has brought a huge difference to us and we really appreciate access to it.
To save time vetting non-profits and charities we partnered with tt-exchange to distribute Webconverger.
As a general rule, we are more than happy to provide a management console in disaster situations. For charities we discount or provide upto two configured machines free of cost.